IsaThuto is committed to developing local communities in Botswana and throughout Africa. To do this IsaThuto is a proud supporter of the Spring of Life charity based in Botswana. Spring of Life focuses on promoting family and moral values while supporting care for vulnerable children and women. It also facilitates the development of young adults enabling them to meet key life goals aimed at supporting society.
IsaThuto is delighted to donate to the Spring of Life charity contributing to its future success and enabling it to support those most in need.
More information about Spring of Life can be requested by contacting:
Phone: +267 74 371 161 or email: springoflife.womenandyouth@
Another of our aims is to develop our social responsibility programme to be in line with the UK Government Depart of Transport Reach for the Sky Outreach Programme encouraging young people from under-represented groups aimed at making Botswana an ideal place to follow a career in aviation. We can arrange and organise talks in schools and colleges aimed at promoting various roles within the aviation industry encouraging students to choose learning pathways that will support their aviation career.
To help us achieve this we also support the AviAssist Foundation which acts as an independent, non- profit organisation dedicated to promoting professionalism and safety within the Africa aviation industry. We are proud to be a Friend of AviAssist and contribute to the future success of the foundation.